Different Types of Fabrics are mainly divided into two types. 

  • Fabric made from natural fibre
  • Fabric made from man-made fibre

Fabrics from natural fibre can also be divided into 3 types.

  • Plant-based or cellulose-based
  • Animal-based or protein-based
  • Mineral Based

Click the button below to explore various types of fabrics derived from plant-based or cellulosic fibres. Discover their properties, uses, and historical significance.

Types of Fabrics Crafted from Plant-Based Fibres

Click the button below to explore various types of fabrics derived from animal-based protein fibres. Discover their properties, uses, and historical significance.

19 Types of Protein Fibre Fabrics

 Man-Made Fabrics are then divided into two types

  • Regenerated Fibres
  • Synthetic Fibres

To learn about various types of man-made fibres, including regenerated fibres and fabrics, as well as synthetic fibres, click on the link below. Gain insights into the world of man-made textiles.

Man Made Fibres and Fabrics

If you want to learn What is fibre? What different types of fibres exist and how different types of fibres are obtained to make fabric then click the below button.

Understanding Clothing Fibres: Types and Fabric-Making Process

Whether working on a sewing project, managing a manufacturing company, or simply purchasing fabric for yourself or a loved one, choosing the appropriate fabric for garments is of utmost importance. Read the below article to understand 9 must-know factors you need to know while selecting fabric for garments.

9 Essential Factors Influencing Selection of Fabric

Different Types of Fibre and Fabrics
Different Types of Fibre and Fabrics
Source of Textile Fibres
Source of Textile Fibres

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